Financial Statements

The Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes what personal information Desmos, a non-profit organization organized and existing under the laws of Greece, whose registered office is at 71, Athinon Avenue, 10173 Athens, Greece (“DESMOS”) collects, and governs the manner in which Desmos collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from you when you visit the website (“Website“). By accessing or using the Website, you agree to be legally bound by the Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy, which constitutes an integral part of the Terms of Use, may be modified from time to time and will be posted on the Website. The data controller of your Personal Information, as defined below, is DESMOS.


  1. Types of information collected

DESMOS collects the following types of information from you when you access and use the Website:


  1. Personal Information

Personal Information refers to information that is provided by you when you subscribe to DESMOS’s newsletter, submit a contact form, make a donation, register as a volunteer, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources DESMOS may make available on the Website; such information may include, indicatively, your name, email, telephone number, payment details, resume.

DESMOS will collect Personal Information from you only if you voluntarily submit such information to us. You can always refuse to supply Personal Information, except that it may prevent you from engaging in certain Website related activities.

You acknowledge that DESMOS may use your Personal Information as provided for in this Privacy Policy in order for you to be able to use the Website.

You shall not provide any Personal Information about others unless you are authorized to do so. By submitting Personal Information about others, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so and that you have received authorization from the person about whom you provide Personal Information and, where required, that that person has consented to having all such Personal Information submitted in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

DESMOS collects the following types of Personal Information from you in each corresponding case:

Newsletter subscription

When you subscribe to receive the DESMOS newsletter, DESMOS collects the following information about you – your email address.

Registration as a volunteer

When you submit you registration as a volunteer, DESMOS collects the following information about you – your email address, name, phone number, and CV.

Contact form

When you submit a contact form to DESMOS, DESMOS collects the following information about you – your email address, name, and phone number.

Donations in honor/memory of someone

When you make a donation in honor or memory of someone, DESMOS collects payment and contact information about you, as stated above. DESMOS may also collect, as appropriate, the honoree’s name, as well as the name and email address of other persons that you may indicate. You may create a personal message to the honoree, which is stored on our servers.


  1. Technical Information & Cookies

Some of the information collected when you visit and take actions on the Website is technical information (“Technical Information”) that is automatically logged through cookies or similar technologies, such as your Internet Protocol address, date and daytime of your visit, the referring URL, time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), HTTP-status code, amount of data transmitted, browser type, operating system and user interface, language and version of browser software, Internet service providers utilized. DESMOS also collects information about your activities on the Website, such as the pages you access.

A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer or other device when you visit a website. When you visit that website again, the cookie allows that website to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. The use of cookies does not reveal your identity, but may lead to the identification of your computer or other device. The Website uses both session-based cookies (which last only while your browser is open) and persistent cookies (enabling authentication, as well as other Website features, for each time you log on to the Website), and third-party cookies, such those that are placed by social networking site providers, subject to the respective service provider’s policies; you may opt-out of third-party cookies on that provider’s respective website. Although most browsers accept cookies by default, you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features or services of the Website may not function at all or properly without cookies.

The following types of cookies are used by the Website:

Name Domain Usage
_icl_current_language Stores the current language.
__utmz Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached your site. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.
__utma Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing _utma cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.
__unam The “unam” cookie is set as part of the ShareThis service and monitors “click-stream” activity, e.g. web pages viewed, navigation from page to page, time spent on each page etc. The ShareThis service only personally identifies you if you have separately signed up with ShareThis for a ShareThis account and given them your consent. You can read the ShareThis privacy policy here. This page also explains how you can opt out of the tracking aspects of the ShareThis Service if you wish to.


In addition, the Website uses a tool called “Google Analytics”; Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit the Website, what pages they visit when they do so, what other websites they used prior to coming to the Website, and Interest-based advertising; Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to the Website is restricted by the Google Analytics terms of use and the Google privacy policy; you may opt out from the collection of navigation information about your visit to the Website by Google Analytics by using the Google Analytics Opt-out feature.

If DESMOS combines Technical Information with Personal Information, it will treat the combined information as Personal Information.


  1. How DESMOS uses Personal Information

For purposes of the Privacy Policy, “use” shall mean any operation or set of operations performed on Personal Information provided by you, such as collection, use and storage.

DESMOS may use your Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • To process your registration;
  • To run and operate the Website;
  • To serve DESMOS’s purposes, which consist, among others, in connecting donors with appropriate projects, assisting charities in providing support to those in need, and setting up volunteering programs.
  • To gather contributions of money and other resources for DESMOS’s purposes.
  • To implement fundraising and other projects.
  • To process payments, if applicable.
  • To provide you with donor support.
  • To respond to service requests more efficiently.
  • To personalize user experience, such as remembering your name or your preferences.
  • To compile aggregate statistics that allow DESMOS to understand how visitors use the Website and its resources, and to make improvements in design and content to better serve you.
  • To improve the Website by using feedback you provide.
  • To run a promotion, contest, survey or other feature for DESMOS.
  • To send you periodic emails and/or communicate with you otherwise in relation to your donation(s) and other aspects of the services provided through the Website, as well as in relation to DESMOS’s activities, news, updates and services.
  • To notify you of any changes to the Website, respond to your inquiries, questions, and/or other requests.
  • To enforce the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

DESMOS may retain your Personal Information for up to 10 years from the time you submit said Information on the Website.


  1. Sharing of Personal Information

Except for the purposes and to the extent outlined herein, DESMOS will not sell, trade, rent, make public or in any way exploit your Personal Information.

DESMOS may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any Personal Information that can identify any individual person, with its partners, trusted affiliates and advertisers.

DESMOS will share your Personal Information under the following circumstances:

  • DESMOS may share your Personal Information with its agents, representatives, service providers and contractors, whose assistance is required for the operation of the Website or whom DESMOS engages to administer activities on its behalf, indicatively for purposes of processing your donations, offering you services in connection with the Website, communicating news and information about DESMOS, planning and coordinating volunteer events or opportunities, providing customer service, enhancing and improving donor experiences, carrying out financial transactions, and in general for the uses described in the Privacy Policy. These agents, representatives, service providers and contractors are authorized to use your Personal Information only to the extent necessary to serve the aforementioned purposes, or as otherwise authorized by the Privacy Policy.
  • When you make a donation in honor or memory of someone, DESMOS may share your name and contact information with the persons that you may indicate or with the person initiating the fund drive.
  • If DESMOS merges with or becomes an affiliate of another organization; in such case, DESMOS will ensure the confidentiality of any Personal Information involved in such transactions and provide notice before Personal Information is transferred to another party and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
  • If it is required by law, a court order or any other government or regulatory authority;
  • If DESMOS determines that disclosure is needed to protect DESMOS’s privacy, security, safety, integrity or property, or the privacy, security, safety, integrity or property of another person.

DESMOS may transfer to, store and use your Personal Information, for troubleshooting, user support, usage tracking and data storage purposes, in any country where DESMOS’s third-party service providers are based, even countries outside of the European Economic Area, which may have lower levels of data protection from those applicable in the European Economic Area.

You acknowledge and agree that the employees of DESMOS may gain access to your Personal Information. DESMOS shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that such employees are informed of the nature of the Personal Information and comply with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.


  1. Reviewing your Personal Information on the Website

You can review, update, modify or delete your Personal Information at any time by sending an email to [email protected]. You can also unsubscribe from DESMOS communications at any time by sending an unsubscribe email to [email protected]. You may object to the use of any Personal Information for certain purposes in accordance with applicable law. You may also request from DESMOS to provide you with your Personal Information in a copy or in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable electronic format and to transmit such information to a third party pursuant to your instructions.


  1. Objecting to use of your Personal Information

If you do not wish your Personal Information to be used by DESMOS as described herein, you may send an email to DESMOS (contact person: Lilly Papagianni) at the following address [email protected]. Your request will be processed within 10 days. If you object to DESMOS’s processing of your Personal Information, such objection will not affect the lawfulness of the use of your Personal Information up to that time.


  1. How DESMOS protects your Personal Information

DESMOS adopts appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your Personal Information, username, password, transaction information and other data stored on the Website from unauthorized or unlawful use and accidental loss or damage and to provide a level of data protection that meets the requirements of applicable law.  You reserve the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority regarding the use of your Personal Information.


  1. Third-party websites

Other websites, including those of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and other third parties (links to which appear on the Website), have their own privacy policies. When you provide Personal Information at one of those websites, you are subject to the privacy policy of the operator of the respective website.


  1. Changes to the Privacy Policy

DESMOS may update the Privacy Policy at any time. In such case, DESMOS will revise the updated date at the bottom of this page. DESMOS encourages you to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how DESMOS is helping to protect the personal information it collects. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review the Privacy Policy periodically and become aware of modifications.


  1. Your acceptance of the Privacy Policy

By using the Website, you accept the Privacy Policy and you acknowledge that DESMOS may use your Personal Information as provided for in the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the Privacy Policy, you are advised to refrain from using the Website. Your continued use of the Website following the posting of changes to the Privacy Policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.


  1. Contacting DESMOS

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy or the practices of the Website, please contact DESMOS at [email protected]. You can always find the most current version of the Privacy Policy at